Rabu, 28 September 2011

Funny Omelette

Funny Omelette

Spring onion
1, finely chopped
Dried prawn (shrimp) paste (terasi)
1 pea-size piece, softened in 1 tsp water
Sambal oelek
½ tsp
Tamarind (asam jawa) juice
a dash
½ tsp
Vegetable oil or margarine
2 Tbsp
  1. Crack eggs into a bowl and beat lightly
  2. Add spring onion, dried prawn paste, sambal oelek, tamarind juice and salt. Stir to combine
  3. Heat oil or margarine in  a frying pan (skillet). Pour in egg mixture and fry on both sides
  4. Cut resulting omelette into wide strips. Serve.

Thunder Satay

Thunder Satay – Sate Geledek


2 lbs (1 kg) lamb or goat meat
24 bamboo skewers, soaked in water for 4 fours before using  lime wedges, to serve
1 portion Sambal Kecap  (see our sambal categorie)
1 portion Sambal Kacang (see our sambal categorie)

½ cup (125 ml) sweet Indonesian soy sauce (kecap manis)
½ teaspoon  coriander seeds crushed, or ½ teaspoon ground coriander
¼ teaspoon ground white paper
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice
Cooking Directions:
  1. Cut the lamb or goat meat into bite-sized cubes. Combine the marinade ingredients in a bowl and mix well.  Pour two-third of the Marinade to the meat cubes, mix until well coated and allow to marinate for at least 2 hour, Reserve the remaining Marinade
  2. Prepare the Sambal Kecap and Sambal Kacang  (see our sambals catagories)
  3. Threat the marinated meat cubes onto the bamboo skewers and grill over hot charcoal or under a preheated  broiler for 5 to 7 minutes, turning and basting frequently with the reserve Marinade, until the meat is well cooked and browned on all sides. Arrange the satays on aserving platter and serve with the lime wedges and bowls of Sambal Kecap and Sambal Kacang on the side

Chiken and Rice Joggle Tongue

Chicken and Rice Joggle Tongue – Nasi Ayam Goyang Lidah

1, about 1.15 kg (2 lb 8 oz) quartered
2 ½ Tbsp
Salam leaf (Daun Salam)
Cinnamon (Kayu Manis)
1 stick, 5 cm (2 inches) in length
Coconut milk
750 ml (3 cups), squeezed from 1 grated coconut with sufficient water added
Long-grain rice
400 g (2 cups)
  1. Wash clean chicken thoroughly, then put into a heavy saucepan. Add salt, salam leaf, cinnamon stick and 500 ml (2 cups) coconut milk. Cover tightly and cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes
  2. Remove chicken from stock. Add remaining coconut milk, stir and measure out 625 ml (2 ½ cups) of liquid to reserve.
  3. Was rice twice and drain completely. Put rice into a saucepan, then add reserved liquid and cook rice
  4. Add chicken after rice has cooked for 30 minutes, then steam for and additional 15 minutes or until done 
  5. When serving, bury chicken in the rice

Fragrant Rice and Chicken Special

Fragrant Rice and Chicken Special (Nasi Kebuli Spesial)

1, about 1.15 kg (2 lb 8 oz)        
Lemon grass (serai)
1 tsp, ground
Galangal (laos)
½ tsp, ground
Coriander (Ketumbar)
½ tsp, ground
Kafir lime leaves (daun jeruk perut)
2 cloves, peeled and chopped
1 Tbsp
500 ml (2 cups)
Vegetable  oil
3 Tbsp
Long-grain rice
400 g (2 cups), washed twice and drained
Nutmeg  (pala)
a pinch, grated
A pinch, ground
Black peppercorns
Mace (Sekar Pala)
2 pieces
2, medium, peeled, sliced and fried in oil until medium brown
  1. Wash and clean chicken. Put into a heavy saucepan, then add lemon grass, galangal, coriander, kaffir  lime leaves, garlic, salt and water. cover tightly and cook until chicken is tender.
  2. Remove chicken from stock, reserving it for later use. Fry chicken in oil until golden brown and set aside
  3. Put rice into a saucepan,  add 625 ml (2 ½ cups) chicken stock, nutmeg, ginger, peppercorns and mace and cook rice until liquid has been absorbed
  4. Cover, lower heat and cook for 15 minutes more. Transfer cooked rice to a large platter and arrange aromatic chicken on the sides. Alternatively, divide into individual portions
Garnish with fried onion slices. Serve

Senin, 26 September 2011



I grew up making quesadillas, the benefit of having a Hispanic mother who is a great cook. "Queso" is cheese in Spanish. And a quesadilla is a toasted tortilla with melted cheese inside. But in addition to cheese, you can put practically anything in a quesadilla. My favorites are mushrooms, olives, tomatoes, and onions. I don't cook these ingredients first, but it really is a matter of taste. You could if you wanted to.

Quesadilla Recipe

  • Prep time: 5 minutes
  • Cook time: 5 minutes


  • Large flour tortillas
  • Grated cheese - either mild or sharp cheddar, or Monterey Jack
  • Olive oil or grapeseed oil
  • Sliced mushrooms
  • Green onions
  • Black olives, sliced
  • Fresh tomatoes, diced
  • Chicken pieces
  • Avocado
  • Lettuce
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Salt


1 Heat a large cast iron frying pan to medium high heat. Add a small amount of oil (about 1/2 teaspoon) and spread it around the bottom of the pan with a spatula (you could use butter as well). Take one large flour tortilla and place it in the pan. Flip the tortilla over a few times, 10 seconds between flips. Air pockets should begin to form within the tortilla.


2 When pockets of air begin to form, take a handful of grated cheese, sprinkle over the top of the tortilla, making sure that the cheese does not land on the pan itself. Add whatever additional ingredients you choose - green onion, sliced mushrooms, olives, tomatoes, etc. If you would like your quesadilla to be a chicken quesadilla, add some diced cooked chicken. Take care not to layer on the ingredients to thickly - this is a quesadilla, not a quiche.

3 Reduce the heat to low and cover the pan. The cast iron pan should be hot enough by now to have plenty of residual heat to melt the cheese and brown the tortilla. If the quesadilla begins to smoke too much, remove from the heat. After a minute, check to see if the cheese is melted. If not, return the cover and keep checking every minute until the cheese is melted. When the cheese is sufficiently melted, use a spatula to lift up one side of the quesadilla and flip over the other side, as if you were making an omelette. The tortilla should by now be browned slightly. If it is not browned, turn the heat up to high and flip the quesadilla over every 10 seconds or so until it gets browned. Remove from pan and cut into wedges.
To make the lettuce to accompany the quesadilla, thinly slice some iceberg lettuce. Sprinkle some cider vinegar on it and some salt.
Serve with the lettuce, salsa, sour cream, and guacamole.