Rabu, 28 September 2011

Fragrant Rice and Chicken Special

Fragrant Rice and Chicken Special (Nasi Kebuli Spesial)

1, about 1.15 kg (2 lb 8 oz)        
Lemon grass (serai)
1 tsp, ground
Galangal (laos)
½ tsp, ground
Coriander (Ketumbar)
½ tsp, ground
Kafir lime leaves (daun jeruk perut)
2 cloves, peeled and chopped
1 Tbsp
500 ml (2 cups)
Vegetable  oil
3 Tbsp
Long-grain rice
400 g (2 cups), washed twice and drained
Nutmeg  (pala)
a pinch, grated
A pinch, ground
Black peppercorns
Mace (Sekar Pala)
2 pieces
2, medium, peeled, sliced and fried in oil until medium brown
  1. Wash and clean chicken. Put into a heavy saucepan, then add lemon grass, galangal, coriander, kaffir  lime leaves, garlic, salt and water. cover tightly and cook until chicken is tender.
  2. Remove chicken from stock, reserving it for later use. Fry chicken in oil until golden brown and set aside
  3. Put rice into a saucepan,  add 625 ml (2 ½ cups) chicken stock, nutmeg, ginger, peppercorns and mace and cook rice until liquid has been absorbed
  4. Cover, lower heat and cook for 15 minutes more. Transfer cooked rice to a large platter and arrange aromatic chicken on the sides. Alternatively, divide into individual portions
Garnish with fried onion slices. Serve

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